Picton Mahoney

Strategies Overview

We design and manage alternative investment products that aim to help investors achieve steady, consistent risk-adjusted returns. Picton Mahoney specializes in four broad strategies, each with a dedicated investment management team, and available as mutual funds, alternative funds and hedge funds.

Our Strategies

Our investment team uses a disciplined, consistent and repeatable process to design alternative investment strategies that uncover sources of alpha and enhance investor portfolios.

What is a market neutral strategy?

A market neutral strategy is an equity strategy that aims to provide consistent long-term capital appreciation with an attractive risk-adjusted rate of return in any market condition.

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What is a long short equity strategy?

A long short equity strategy aims to provide consistent long-term capital appreciation with an attractive risk-adjusted rate of return in any market condition.

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What is an active extension equity strategy?

An active extension equity strategy aims to provide consistent long-term capital appreciation with an attractive risk-adjusted rate of return with similar volatility to traditional equity markets.

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What is a long short credit strategy?

A long short credit strategy is a fixed income strategy that aims to maximize total return to investors through income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in corporate bonds.

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What is an event driven credit strategy?

An event-driven credit strategy aims to maximize total return to unitholders through income and capital appreciation by investing primarily in event-driven situations in global fixed income.

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What is a core fixed income strategy?

A core fixed income strategy aims to preserve capital while maximizing total return to unitholders predominantly through income, supplemented with capital appreciation.

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What is an alternative investment grade strategy?

The alternative investment grade strategy aims to enhance yield and return potential by investing in high-quality, investment-grade credit, while also mitigating capital loss through shorting and other hedging strategies.

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What is a merger arbitrage strategy?

A merger arbitrage strategy, also known as risk arbitrage, aims to generate consistent, positive returns with low volatility and low correlation to both equity and bond markets.

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What is a multi-asset strategy?

Our proprietary multi-asset strategy utilizes a multi-layered investment process based on modern portfolio construction techniques to determine its allocation.

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